Monday, May 1, 2017

Reflection #6

My project is coming along not as great as I wanted but I am getting the things I need to have a good project. I still need to get the supplies for the book but other than that I am pretty much set and almost ready to present. Picking my product was an easy and hard one because I thought is was easy in the way I can work with my mom on it. It was hard because I wasn't able to collect all my recipes from my peers I needed so I will have to go a different route.
I'm going to use recipes that have been past down to my mom and my family. Those will hopefully bring that warmth and lovingness I want in my product and my project. I want my peers to feel that they mean something through food.

Annotated Bibliography
  • Making a cookbook is pretty much like a arts and crafts project. It can be an easy process but it all depends on how much work you put into it. The effort is the most important thing you can have in anything you do, no matter if its from work or just for fun. Only thing that can be hard to get it published by someone and get it sold to the us or the world.